Tapi ak baru jek abis jawab last paper pagi tadik, nih ada satu paper lagi..extended paper dari kak TIGRISMALAYA. hehe...
1. What is the relationship of you and him/her?
ailebiu u lap me..
2. Your 5 impressions towards him/her
-sore yg comel bile tergelak
-a funny man
-sometimes childish but it's cute for me
-sgt2 caring hoke...mak suke nokk
3. The most memorable things he/she had done for you.
stiap kali, 'dia' dtg berjumpa sy adalah menda paling dihargai. Sbb bukan dkt kan...huhu
4. The most memorable things he/she have said to you?
i syg u
5. If he/she become your lover, you will...
jadi kekasihnye yg setia dan chenta dia, dan syg dia, dan sokong dia atas apa yg dia bwat
6. If he/she become your enemy, you will...
sepak pale die..dush dush..heheh
7. If he/she become your lover, he has to improve on...
tiada ape yg perlu ubah k...be urself E.
8. If he/she become your enemy, the reason is...
ada cik puan lain ler..tapi i tak suke bermusuh hoke..
9. The most desirable thing to do on him/her is?
love him and support ape yg dia bwat
10. The overall impression of him/her is...
sgt mengambil berat..sy soka..
11. How do you think the people around you will feel about you?
poyo giler dak tu weyh...(tp bila didekati dia seorang yg sgt sengal dan baik hati)
12. The character of you for yourself is?
buat lawak bangang, susah nak marah, tp kalo marah pun cpt kool hoke.
13. On contrary, the character you hate of yourself is?
cepat terasa hati..tp simpan lam ati jek..tak bgtaw org len...virgo kan cam nih
14. The most ideal person that you wanna be is?
takdok sape la nak letak kat cni..sy hanya mahu berjaya dan masih berpijak pd bumi nyata, tamau combonk
15. For the people who likes you, say something about them.
jika anda menyenangi karektor sy, sy juga menyenangi kalian, dan akan terus berkawan dgn kalian sehingga sy menutup mata (bukan tidor hoke) hikhik
16. Ten people to tag
-cik temah
-mak cik juai nasik lemak
-lecturer(huh? giler ape)
-mamak seblah KLMU
-dua makcik cleaner yg baik kt KLMU
-tokey Big Apple jj
-mak tiri kpd jiran selang tiga rumah
-takder sape la nak tag sebnanye..heheh
17. Who is no. 2 having a relationship with?
nad eusoff
18. Is no. 3 a male or a female?
male...hehe gay kah? menurut si commenter osama bin lodeh
19. If no. 7 and no. 10 were together, would it be a good thing?
no 7 ka, no 10 ka, orgnye maseh same k..
20. How about no. 5 and 8?
lar...dia lagik..
21. What is no. 1 studying about?
apekenamenye eh..mechanical aircraft engineering? gini ker namenye..ha lebey kuranglah
22. Is no. 4 single?
wah..single kah? ^-^
23. Say something about no. 6
i leb u, u leb me
Nyway ak ngah kerinduan kat Niena rite now. She's now in Bandung, bercotilah katekan.. So we exchanged our phone for sementara. Sbb she wants to use mine to snap beautiful pics la kan. Tp ak pun cam dah enjoy gune fon dia. Dis is hers..LG ks360
Seb baik mr froggy kaw ada, niena...
Ok gak dis fon..yg bestnyer biler menaip mesej le..hehe
Nyway moge phone ak sehat la selama dia dok ngan kaw..hikhik
My SE saiberchot jgn nakal2 yerk..tuannye tak dpt ikut g bandung, henponnye ikut pun jadi ar..
gigih..gigih adik aku nih jawab tag...
aku belom buat lagi dekkk.... utang niii!!! jangan jadi bad debt udahh!!
best ke hp tu??? nampak besttt je kannn...
ko pun lps abis peksa gak upenyer.......
Soalan Asignment pun blh tahan panjangnya...Ada soalan bocor ker?
bcinta memang indah....bila khwin baru kluar watak sebenar...hahahaha
baru abis mid ke?
final bila?
p/s: dok memikir apa course yg nk amik?! ^^ blurrrr
wah bagus jwb tag ek...eh tu game ke apa dik
bagus...syabas betti...bess ar baru abis peksa ek..ai nak jadi student balikkkkkkk...tak nak peksa tapi nak gi kelas ngan cuti..eeebole..???
syabas uollsss rajin sngat buat tag..
i ader 4 lg x buat muahaha malas sngat hu2...
bagusss nad...
sumer soalan ko rajin jawab ehh..
COKOLAT- best gak..cuma kalo dengor lagu SE lagi besh
SHAFA- heheh? bocor? nggak ada dong
ZAMDOTCOM- final on january..u pikir bebaik ye
ITA.ITU- tuh henset tp bentuk dier cambest kan kak
TIGRISMALAYA- boley boley...mey join saya mey
yg LG tue cumel.
abis peksa yerr.. zaman aku dah berlalu! hehehe
BUNGADITEPIJALAN- wahah..memang chumel..
IBU KUMBANG- nak lalui skali lagi ke?
macam nak culik mister froggy itu..
JOT-kamu kejam..muahahah
berjaya jgk jwb soklan pekse eyh.
hrp2 lulus dgn cemerlang.
meriah ye...:D
-Muzri a.k.a Muyie -
Kamrie Corporation
bagus adik boleh buat pop kuiz ya
nape jarang update....
rerajin kan ler diri anda itewww...
FARAH AMOI- umah tgh renovate kak..nak on9 pun susah..huhu
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