Sampai ngam2 je ow..Orientation starts at 9.00. And i arrived and 8.57 bla bla. Gile kentang busuk kan?
Org belah kanan i nama dia Asma...and told to call her Cema...chumel kan? I burak shket2 je ngan si Cema coz malu tk hengat.
Pastu ader owg bawu sampai dia duk belah kiri i. Ouh namanya Nonie. Nih baru jupe regu berbual yg besh. She's 19. Means she's older than me. Thot to call her akak, but she was so friendly and bile burak tros pangge nonie je. Thnks Nonie coz awak tegur kite. Kite mmg malu cam kucing senak perut tadi...Naseb bek ada few topics yg menarik burak ngan dia.
Bout her former Unisel's life...bout Unisel's orientation yg prnah dia lalui and bla bla.
Then comes to why she wants to transfer here. Memang buleh burak la.. New fwen yg besh!
Yg satu course lak namenye Akila, but tk byk burak sgt ngan dier coz dier dok bakang. Kang putus pale aku syek toleh bakang je. Nanti sok ada Faculty Briefing kite duk same yer Kila oi...
Pastu balik tuh aku mula la jadi jakun cam babun. Jarang sekali lam hidupku ini aku jenjalan berseorangan kt KL nih. So I did that for today. I went to Popular, shop some things and then bought my fav perfume and Pantene leave on. Amek ko, dpt pelepasan tanpa limit, aku ke hulu ke hilir walopun hari ujan.
Ok, sok der Faculty Briefing. Kul 8 dah kene der kat sane. So wa chiao k. Bye...
oke je kan ur orientation session.. kejap je ek.. 2 days only ka?? mine the whole week tau.. siap ade games challenges la, malam budaya la, of course talks by v.chancellor,deans, bla bla yada yada... all the best okeh!!
i nyer mini intake. dats why tak manyak hari orientation.
needs to rush up for the exam..
thnks chotz..really apreciate ur comments!
blaja kat mane nieh??
kt KLMU sis..
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