baru2 ni i went to sg. wang wit my sis and her kiddos..
so she sumbat these things in my handbag!
bila stopped kat surau for asar's prayer...i godek la bag nak cari hp jap.
then i noticed 1 thing.
huggies size L, huggies size M (for the baby) and...........KOTEX slim wing????
pada yg masih blurrrr..yg ditengah itulah kotex slim wing...
dat is not for the kiddos...but for the kiddos' aunt! haha
mmg kaya pampers aku arituh..
Hehe..mama die pon kena pkai pampers skali skala..
Tpi klu dh kembung..9 bln takyah pkai..hehe..
tawu tkper...
haha.. tu pampers ko ke??
ko pki ea nk pg cosmo..
hang pakai saiz per nad? heheheeeh
muhd epy- ya itu sy punya, hang jeles ka? haha
mizie- saiz org tua..wakakak
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