Tgh syiok berjalan nu, then these two makhluk came to us and asked us whether boleh interview ke tak. Aku nmpk je serombong( camera la) segedobok besar nu, aku dah cuak dah. Hikhik. Ape lagi, aku cabut, mak aku je ar yg kena intebiu. hikhik
Pastuh soklan dia ape ek? Ohh, makanan apa yg best kat mesia ni...
Pastuh der la few questions lagik yg aku dah lupa.
Then lastly they asked my mom to say this:
"Malaysia welcomes the World!"
Afterthat tamatlah sesi interview kelam kabut itu.
Wat malu jer weyh...
Tapi what a interesting experience....for my mom! not for me la kan..
okeh, chow!
fames la mama ko nnty..
ngapenye larikkkkk?bile lagik nak masuk tv?hihi
hehe cam best pule, biler ek tayang kat tv..pepun slam singgah :)
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